Dirty Hoh
A variation of Jerry French’s fly.
Rabbit strip tail, mountain blueberry aqua veil, a composite loop of angel hair flash, dub, ostrich and bunny, blue raspberry and blue speckled black rubber legs, real jungle cock eyes, dumbbell. 3/4” shank and size 4 stinger, 3.5” long.
A variation of Jerry French’s fly.
Rabbit strip tail, mountain blueberry aqua veil, a composite loop of angel hair flash, dub, ostrich and bunny, blue raspberry and blue speckled black rubber legs, real jungle cock eyes, dumbbell. 3/4” shank and size 4 stinger, 3.5” long.
A variation of Jerry French’s fly.
Rabbit strip tail, mountain blueberry aqua veil, a composite loop of angel hair flash, dub, ostrich and bunny, blue raspberry and blue speckled black rubber legs, real jungle cock eyes, dumbbell. 3/4” shank and size 4 stinger, 3.5” long.